Sing everyone Sing, Sing Out Our Mind


Sing Everyone Sing



Table of Contents


1.       Scouting Light

24.      Out Speak The Musica

2.       Ging Gang Goo

25.      Mendola

3.       Here We Are

26.      Fee Five

4.       We Are Boy Scouts

27.      Red River Girl

5.       Sing Everyone Sing

28.      New Friend Found

6.       Marching With B-P

29.      Ah Chong Sok

7.       Jamboree Song

30.      You’re Boy Scout

8.       B-P Spirit

31.      Malaysia Japanese Song

9.       Di Sini Senang

32.      You Gotta Sing Sing Sing

10.    Old Mac-Donald Had A Farm

33.      Do-Re Me

11.    10 Undang-undang

34.      I Got Peace Like River

12.    Elephant Dance

35.      Erup Mei Wai

13.    I Come From Malaysia

36.      Sayonara

14.    If You Are Happy

37.      Hey Guo Nyama

15.    Rock My Soul

38.      Campfire’s Burning

16.    Acona Chicken

39.      Goodnight Campfire

17.    Makan Pisang

40.      Sayonara

18.    The Happy Wanderer

41.      Auld Lang Syne

19.    You Are My Sunshine

42.      Si Jantung Hati

20.    Five Hundred Miles

43.      Tong Tong Tong

21.    The More We Are Together

44.      March In The Army

22.    Chan Mali Chan

45.      Epi Ai Ai

23.    Darling You Can Love One

46.      Apple Tai Tai




1.      Scouting Light

This is the scouting light of mine

I’m gonna let it shine 3x

Let it shine  All the time  Let it shine


2.      Ging Gang Goo

‘Ging Gang gooli gooli gooli gooli

Watcha ging gang goo, ging gang goo’ 2x

Heyla heyla sheyla heyla sheyla heyla ho

Heyla heyla sheyla heyla sheyla heyla ho


Shali walli shali walli shalli walli shali walli

Oompah Oompah………………..


3.      Here we are

Here we are 2x

Here we are again

Here we are 2x

Here we are again

Hello 5x

Here we are 2x

Here we are again

Di sini di sini kita berkumpul

Di sini di sini kita berkumpul

Salam 5x

Di sini di sini kita berkumpul


4.      We are Boy Scouts

We are Boy Scout trusting in our honors

Loyal, helpful friend to one and all

Ever courteous ever kind to animals

We obey our orders even though they are small

Always Cheerful, whistling though the rain-drops

Careful and thrifty, clean in thought and deed

So come on boys now

Don’t forget we’re boy scouts

Be prepared Be prepared

Keep in mind the law


“Scouting is a game, but not simply a playground for mere fun; Scouting is fun but it is not meant to be funny; Scouting has no room for empty promises but a solid testing ground for one’s trust and honour, as enshrined in the Scout Promise & Laws”


5.      Sing Everyone Sing

Sing everyone sing 2x

All of your troubles

Will vanish like bubbles

Sing everyone sing

Continue with:






6.      Marching with BP

Marching with BP, Marching everyday 

Marching all the way

Marching with BP, Marching in the scouting way


Marching in the Sunlight

Marching everyday, Marching all the way

Marching in the Sunlight

Marching in the scouting way


7.      Jamboree Song

It’s you 3x, who builds this Jamboree

It’s you 3x, who builds this Jamboree

It’s you 3x, who builds this Jamboree

La La La

Rolling over ocean  Rolling over sea

Going to your part to build this Jamboree 2x


8.      B-P Spirit

I’ve got the B-P spirit

Right in my head 3x

I’ve got the B-P spirit

Right in my head

To stay


Continue with:

Deep in my heart

All round my feet


“I have had a most happy life and I want each one of you to have as happy a life too”– Lord Baden Powell of Gilwell



9.      Di Sini Senang

Di sini senang Di sana senang

Di mana mana hati pun senang

Di sini senang Di sana senang

Di mana mana hati pun senang

La La La …..La..


10. Old Mac-Donald Had A Farm


            Old Mac-Donald Had A Farm e-i-e-o!

  1. And on his farm he had some chick e-i-e-o!

With a chick chick here

            With a chick chick there

            Here a chick there a chick

Everywhere a chick-chick (Refrain)


2.      Ducks – Quack Quack

3.      Cow – Moo Moo

4.      Pigs – Oink Oink

5.      Cats – Meow Meow Etc


11. 10 Undang-undang

Dipercayai - Taat - Berguna - Bersaudara – Berbudi - Kasihkan binatang - Menurut perintah - Sabar hati -  Berjimat - Suci fikiran suci perkataan suci perbuatan


12. Elephant Dance

One elephant went out to play

Up on a spider wet one day

He found it such enormous fun

That he call another elephant out to play


Continue with: two, three, four, five. Etc


13. I come from Malaysia

I come from Malaysia Jolly good place 3x

Jolly 5x good place


Saya dari Malaysia Suka Hati 3x

Suka 5x Hati


14. If You are Happy

If you are happy and you know it

Clap your hands 2x (Clap, Clap, Clap)

If you are happy and you know it

And you really want to show it

If you are happy and you know it

Clap your hands (Clap, Clap, Clap)


Continue with:  Snap your fingers

                        Slap your tights

                        Stomp your feet

                        Say “we are”

                        Do all five


15. Rock My Soul

Rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham

Rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham

Rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham

O rock-a-my soul


So high you can’t get over it

So low you can’t get under it

So wide you can’t get round it

O rock-a-my soul


16. Acona Chicken

Acona chicken dress so fine

Oh… Acona mine

Acona chicken dress so fine

Oh… Acona mine

Strech a little bit

Strech a little bit

Peck peck peck the ground

Fold your wings and do the dancing

Acona turn around


17. Makan Pisang

Makan Pisang 2x

Makan Pisang sekarang

Pisang apa 2x

Pisang apa sekarang

Pisang tandok 2x

Pisang tandok sekarang


(go on questioning – tandok apa? Etc)


18. The Happy Wanderer


            Valderi Valdera 2x Ha 6x

            Valderi Valdera

            My knapsack on my back


I love to go a wandering

Along the mountain track

And as I go, I love to sing

My knapsack on my back


I love to wander by the stream

That dances in the sun

So joyously it calls to me

Come join my happy song

Text Box: Once a Scout, Always a Scout


I wave my hand to all I meet

And they wave back to me

And blackbirds call so loud and clever

From every greenwood tree


High overhead the skylarks sing

They never rest at home

But just like me they love to sing

And over the world we roam


19. You are my Sunshine

You are my sunshine, My only sunshine,

You make me happy when skies are grey

You’ll never know dear how much I know you

Oh, please don’t take my sunshine away

The other night dear as I lay sleeping

I dreamed I held you in my arms

When I awake dear, I was mistaken

I hung my head and cry


I’ll always love you and make you happy

If you still only say the same

But if you leave to love another

You will regret it all someday


20. Five Hundred Miles

If you miss the train I’m on

You will know that I’m gone

You can hear the whistle blow

A hundred miles


A hundred miles 4x

You can hear the whistle blow

A hundred miles


Lord, I’m one, Lord, I’m two

Lord, I’m three, Lord, I’m four

Lord, I’m five hundred miles

Away from home


Not a shirt on my back

Not a penny to my name

Lord I can’t go back home

This a way


This a way 4x

Lord, I can’t go back home

This a way


21. The More We Are Together

The more we are together, together, together

The more we are together, the merrier we’ll be

For your friends are my friends

And my friends are your friends

The more we’re together, the merrier we’ll be



Bila kita berkumpul, berkumpul, berkumpul

Bila kita berkumpul, bersuka ria

Kawan mu, Kawan ku 2x

Bila kita berkumpul bersuka ria


22. Chan Mali Chan

‘Chan Mali Chan, Chan Mali Chan

 Chan Mali Chan, Ketipong payung’ 2x


Di mana dia anak kambing saya

Anak kambing saya makan daun kapas

Di mana dia cinta hati saya

Cinta hati saya putih macam kapas


Di mana dia anak kambing saya

Anak kambing saya ada di pohon ara

Di mana dia cinta hati saya

Cinta hati saya yang pakai cermin mata


Di mana dia anak kambing saya

Anak kambing saya yang makan daun betek

Di mana dia cinta hati saya

Cinta hati saya yang pakai kain batik


Di mana dia anak kambing saya

Anak kambing saya sedang makan keledek

Di mana dia cinta hati saya

Cinta hati saya jalan terkedek-kedek


23. Darling You Can Love One

Darling you can love one

Darling you can love one

You can love one and still have fun

Darling you can love one


Darling you can love two

Darling you can love two

You can love two and still be true

Darling you can love two



Still be free


Still have more


Still survive


Still be fit


Still go to heaven


Still walk straight


Still be mine


And that’s the end


24. Out Speak The Musica

Hey! Out speak the musica

Kum ba sau saudara, push ka mea rah

Me-my guitar lah

Guitar, guitar, guitar lah 4x Hey!

Tumba, tumba, tumba lah 4x

Hey! Out speak the musica……


Continue with: Running, Washing, Etc


25. Mendola

Mendola, Mendola

Lapapale pale 2x

Mendola, Mendola

Lapapale pale 2x

Alof tenda 8x


26. Fee Five

Fee, Fee Five

Fee Five Four Four

Kumbala Kumbala Kumbala davista

Hey nona nona davista

Imini Imini owa owai

Simini simini owa owai

Big babalus babalus babalus davista

Hey hai 4x hoi


27. Red River Girl

When you lead right down in the valley

And you circle to the left to the right

And you swing your girl in the valley

And you swing your red river girl

And the girl makes a star in the center

And the man do si do so polite

And you swing your girl in the valley

And you lost your Red River Girl


28. New Friend Found

We walk to the left

And we walk to the right

And we walk and we walk

And we walk all night

With the heal and the toe

And the half turn around

With the heal and the toe

And a new friend found


29. Ah Chong Sok

Ah Chong Sok is cut throat hawker

Chee Chong Fan, ah, Chee Chong Fan

He says his things are very cheapy

Chee Choo Fan, ah, Chee Chong Fan

He married a wife who’s a So Loh Kuai

His father’s name is Tai Tau Kuai

And they all live together in a Yap Poon Kai

Chee Chong Fan, ah, Chee Chong Fan


Scout Movement is a world brotherhood of volunteers


30. You’re a Boy Scout

You’re a Boy Scout 2x

You’re a boy scout through and through

Keep your promise, wear your badges

Keep in the law in front of you

On with scouting, cheers to scouting

When that’s danger, never mind

Keep on trying, keep on smiling

That’s the spirit, brother mine


31. Malaysia Japanese Song

Honda car Suziki Yamaha

Toshiba, Toyota, Corolla

Kalau rosak senang saya di jaga

Spare parts ada jual di kedai


Ah ah ah ah ah ah jinomoto

Oh oh oh oh oh oh dorono

Semua nya boleh dapat di dapur

Kena lottery kita pergi ke Tokyo



Why songs? Remember the great times singing those songs in school or that song that rumbled the rafters at church? The feeling after these songs really lifted the spirits. Singing is fun! Songs can create enthusiasm or set a mood.



32. You Gotta Sing Sing Sing

You gotta sing sing sing and be merry

You gotta shout shout shout and be glad

You gotta grin grin grin make a din din din

For the Boy Scouts are gathered today


You gotta yell yell yell and be noisy

You gotta cheer cheer cheer till you’re hoarse

You gotta clap clap clap and to tap tap tap

For the Boy Scout are gathered ere today



33. Do-Re-Me

Do a deer a female deer

Ray a drop of golden sun

Me a name I call myself

Far a long long way to run

Sew a needle pulling thread

La a note to follow sew

Tea a drink with jams and bread

That will bring us back to doe oh oh oh oh

Doe Ray Me Far Sew La Tea Doe Sew Doe


34. I Got Peace Like A River

I got peace like a river 2x

I got peace like a river in my soul

I got peace like a river 2x

I got peace like a river in my soul


Continue with:  Love like an ocean

                        Joy like a fountain


35. Erup Mei Wai

Erup mei wai

Aran kita makai dami

Erup mei wai

Aran kita makan dami

Tra la la la la la la 2x

Tra la la


36. Sayonara

Sayonara, Japanese good bye

Whisper sayonara, but you mustn’t cry

No more we stop to see pretty cherry blossoms

No more we part to sing

By the side of the sky

Sayonara, sayonara, goodbye


37. Hey guo nyama

Hey guo nyama

Guo nyama, in boo boo

Ya boo, ya boo, in boo boo



Scouting is Fun


38. Campfire’s Burning

Campfire’s burning 2x

Draw nearer 2x

In the blooming 2x

Come sing and be merry


39. Goodnight Campfire

Goodnight campfire 3x

We are going to leave you now

Merrily we roll along

Roll along, roll along

Merrily we roll along

Over the deep blue sea


40. Sayonara

Sayonara sayonara sampai berjumpa lagi 2x

Buat apa susah 2x

Susah tak ada gunanya

Buat apa susah 2x

Susah tak ada gunanya



Auld Lang Syne – Good times long ago; title of a popular song sung especially at the beginning of each New Year and expressing feelings of friendship for the sake of.


41. Auld Lang Syne

Should auld acquaintance be forgot?

And never brought to mind

Should auld acquaintance be forgot?

And the days of auld lang syne


For auld lang syne, my dear

For auld lang syne

We’ll take a cup of kindness yet

For auld lang syne


Then here’s a hand my trusty friend

And gives a hand of thine

We’ll take a cup of kindness yet

For auld lang syne


For auld lang syne, my dear

For auld lang syne

We’ll take a cup of kindness yet

For auld lang syne


42. Si Jantung Hati

Badanku kurus bukannya, kurang makan

Mataku merah bukannya, kurang tidur

Sedih hatiku kerana

Si jantung hati Oh…. Si jantung hati  Oh….


Minggu yang lalu si dia, telah kembali

Hatiku rindu padanya, setengah mati

Pengalaman ku dengannya

Si jantung hati  Oh…. Si jantung hati Oh…


Waktuku pergi kau suntingkan bunga melati

Tapi kini semuanya hanya mimpi

Si jantung hati  Oh…. Si jantung hati Oh…


43. Tong Tong Tong

Tong tong tong tong

Puki tong ki tong

Alimaga sasuka

Dari baku ban suka

Pakai kitong

Mah tong tong tong


44. March in the Army

I don't want to march in the army,

Shoot with the infantry,

Ride with the Cavalier,

I don't want to fly over the emery,

I am in the Boy/Girl Scouting

I am in the Boy/Girl Scouting (Yes Sir) 2x


I don't want to fly over the emery,

I am in the Boy/Girl Scouting


45. Epi Ai Ai

Epi ai ai, Epi epi ai

Saya cinta KUMPULAN kita

Siang jadi kenangan, malam jadi mimpian

Cintaku semakin mendalam


46. Apple Tai Tai

Oh apple tha tha eh ya 2x

Oh apple tha tha apple duki duki

Apple duki duki eh ya





47. Geylang Si Baku Geylang

Geylang si baku geylang                      

Geylang si ramai ramai

*Pulang marilah pulang

marilah pulang bersama-sama 2x


Patung:            Kalau ada air di sungai

                        Boleh kita bertumpang mandi

                        Kalau ada masa di depan

                        Boleh lah kita berjumpa lagi


48. Morning Exercise Song

Everywhere we go

People want to know

Who we are?

Where we come from?

So we tell them


We are Boy Scouts

We are come from ROSLI DHOBY

La la la la la la la la la la la la la


49. It's a Small World

It's a world of laughter, a world of tears

It's a world of hopes and a world of fears

There's so much that we share

That it's time we're aware

It's a small world after all


It's a small world after all

It's a small world after all

It's a small world after all

It's a small, small world

There is just one moon and one golden sun

And a smile means friendship to everyone

Though the mountains divide

And the oceans are wide

It's a small world after all


49. Taps

 Day is done,

Gone the sun;

From the lake,

From the hills

From the sky;

All is well,

Safely rest,

God is neigh.


50. Working On the Railroad

 I've been workin' on the railroad

All the live long day.

I've been workin' on the railroad

Just to pass the time away.

Can't you hear the whistle blowing?

Rise up so early in the morn.

Can you hear the captain shouting?


"Scouting is here to stay!"


Scouting is here to stay,

Scouting is here to stay,

Scouting is here to stay -ay -ay -ay -ay

Scouting is here to stay,

Scouting is here to stay

Scouting is here to stay -ay -ay!


51. Take Me Out to the Scout Camp

Tune: "Take Me Out to the Ballpark"


Take me out to the scout camp,

Take me out with my Troop,

Buy me some goodies and leathercrafts,

I don't care if I ever get back,

For it's swim, shoot, climb with the camp staff

If they're not trained it's a shame

For it's 1, 2, 3 miles you hike at the old scout camp


52. Row, Row, Row Your Boat

3 part round 

Row, row, row your boat,

Gently down the stream.

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,

Life is but a dream.



53. Follow Me Boys



Follow me boys, follow me,

When you think your really beat

That the time to lift your feet,

And follow me boys, follow me,

Pick'em up, put'em down and follow me,

Pick'em up, put'em down pick'em up.



There's a job to do,

There's a fight to win,

Follow me boys, follow me,

And it won't be time till we all pitch in,

Lift your chin with a grin and follow me.




It's a long long climb,

But we've got the will,

Follow me boys, follow me,

When we reach the top

Then It's all down hill,

Till you drop don't you stop and follow me.





So the journeys end

Is beyond our sight,

Follow me boys, follow me,

If we do our best

And we've done alright,

Pack your load, hit the road and follow me.




54. I'm Happy When I'm Hiking

English hiking song 


Tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp, tramp,tramp.


I'm happy when I'm hiking, pack upon my back.

I'm happy when I'm hiking, off the beaten track.

Out in the open country, that's the place for me

With a true Scouting friend to the journeys end,

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty miles a day.


Tramp, tramp, tramp...



bengawan solo, riwayatmu ini
sedari dulu jadi perhatian insani
musim kemarau, tak seberapa airmu
di musim hujan air meluap sampai jauh ...

mata airmu dari solo
terkurung gunung seribu
air mengalir sampai jauh
akhirnya ke laut ...

itu perahu, riwayatmu dulu
kaum pedagang s'lalu naik itu perahu


Prepared by 22nd Sibu Scout, IT Commitee

25 July 2002